I Love Coffee I Love Tea and Knuckles piano play-along — Duet videos [Part III]

The “I Love Coffee, I Love Tea and Knuckles Medley” duet is irresistible and fun! Want to play along?

If you’re looking for a duet partner, here are some options:

  • Teach one or both parts to a family member and play together!
  • Play along with the videos in this blog post! Your part is listed! The video plays the other part!

Here’s the complete duet:

Listen to the I Love Coffee, I Love Tea duet on YouTube! (Clara is dressed up as a mushroom in the video.)

Want to play the tune?

You may play the famous tunes on the upper part of the piano, one tune several times in a row or arranged in this order:

I Love Coffee, I Love Tea and Knuckles upper duet part.

Here’s how the video duet goes:

  • Count-in: There’s a spoken 1-2-3-4 count-in to give you the tempo.
  • After you join, the chord pattern accompaniment plays through three times.
  • You may play any of the medley’s tunes three times, simply to practice.
  • Or, play all three tunes straight through like a performance.

(Slower tempo, 108 BPM)

You play the tunes, the video accompanies you with the bass and chords at 108 BPM.

(Up-tempo, 138 PBM)

You play the tunes, the video accompanies you with the bass and chords at 138 BPM.

Want to play the bass and chords?

You play the bass line and chord accompaniment:

I Love Coffee, I Love Tea and Knuckles bass line and chords.

You can play along with the video, which will play the three tunes in order. To make it easier to begin at the same tempo, there’s a count-in.

In the video you’ll hear the piece in ABC form: A, Pentatonic on black keys; B, the “Knuckles” tune; then C, the ‘I Love Coffee, I Love Tea’ tune. Repeat one tune several times, play through or stop the video as you wish.

(Slower tempo, 108 BPM)

You play the bass and chords, the video plays along with the tunes at 108 BPM.

(Up-tempo, 138 BPM)

You play the bass and chords, the video plays along with the tunes at 138 BPM.

Looking for more steps?

There’s more to this medley than meets the eye! Stay tuned for future posts! [Coming soon!]

Fun intro to keyboard harmony

I Love Coffee, I Love Tea and ‘Knuckles’ Intro to Circle of Fifths [Part IV]

Are you a piano teacher? To unlock this fun multi-part blog tutorial series, start here: Piano play-along duet: I Love Coffee I Love Tea and Knuckles [Teacher intro]

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I appreciate shares, comments and likes. Happy teaching! <3

Rebekah Maxner, composer, blogger, piano teacher. Follow my blog for great tips!

Video of the Week

Yellow River (Late Elementary, Level 2), for daydreams of faraway adventures. From the print and eBook The Color Collection Junior, Elementary to Late Elementary piano solos that express all of our feelings. From gorgeous character pieces to the blues, from black-key pentatonic to disco, this collection has it all! Or, check out the Yellow River eSheet!

Listen to Yellow River on YouTube!
Here’s a sound clip of Yellow River!

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